Two days before new year we headed out to Idrefjäll. We had bought some new gear to test, and planned to go 6 km to a cabin, Slagubäckskojan. We rigged the sleds and the others went ahead before I had finished the last one. They came back and said it was not possible to go there, our daughters, 12 and 14 years old, were tired already. I wanted to see what the trail looked like, cause last year it was a nice snowmobile trail. But now it was too little snow so there were no snowmobile tracks! I soon found out that there was no use trying this way with our sleds, so we had to stay overnight in the cabin at the parking lot.
Next day we went up another trail that was easy, but the goal was to put up the tent just a bit up the hill, not to go to the cabin. Here we stayed two nights in a tent and I under a tarp, and the other night in an igloo we built from snow blocks. The advantage with the tent is that you are not in contact with the snow, so it gets dryer. Under the tarp and in the igloo I slept on the snow with my downmat and sleeping bag. The advantage of sleeping in the igloo is that it is more isolated both from cold and sound, no flapping tent cloth.